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Broomhill Infant School
Broomhill Infant School 2
Broomhill Infant School 1
Broomhill Infant School

Broomhill Infant School

Empowering Lifelong Learners


Welcome to Broomhill Infant School.

Where magic happens for children to:

Explore, grow and flourish

Create happy, lasting memories

Discover that everyone is good at something

Be nurtured by nature

Embrace their unique potential

Celebrate our similarities and differences

Have open minds to the world around us

We are proud of our reputation as a lively, multicultural, innovative and creative infant school with strong roots in its community.  Our staff, children, parents, friends and governors share in the school vision and values above. We want our children to be happy and to enjoy their work. We want each child to be valued and recognised as an individual. We believe that every child matters and each unique individual should have high aspirations and possess deep self confidence. We believe that all of our children should have an exciting future ahead of them and we will work hard at Broomhill to ensure that each of our pupils achieves their fullest potential.

Our successes are based upon an understanding that, to improve, we must constantly change and evolve.

Our question-based creative curriculum is a balance of skills and knowledge-based teaching and topic themes for the children to use and apply skills they have been taught.  Planned activities are meaningful, exciting and designed to engage all learners. We frequently work outdoors in our magical external environment.  We also have many extra curricular clubs for the children to enjoy and we are always looking out for more. We will do all we can to ensure that your child’s experience at Broomhill Infant School is a happy one.

We are a founding member of the Sheaf Cooperative Trust, are well supported by our Governors, our parents through FOBS (Friends of Broomhill School) and our rich, diverse local community.

Parents, grandparents and carers are always welcome at Broomhill. We encourage volunteer readers, bakers, gardeners, musicians, - indeed anyone who has a few hours to support staff in delivering the best possible education. If you have any questions about our prospectus, website or about your child’s education we will be pleased to discuss them with you. We look forward to meeting you and making you and your child as welcome as possible.


Beech Hill Rd, Sheffield S10 2SA, United Kingdom

Contact Information

Beech Hill Rd, Sheffield S10 2SA, United Kingdom
Zip/Post Code
S10 2SA

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